Welcome to the BAS website for the Protection of Architecture in the Statenkwartier

The beautiful Statenkwartier was diligently designed and built over a hundred years ago. Nowadays the Statenkwartier is a lasting joy to the eye of the lover of authentic historic architecture. The neighborhood is rightfully designated as a State Protected City Site.
BAS (Bescherming Architectuur Statenkwartier) is the Foundation for the Protection of Architecture in the Statenkwartier. BAS aims to protect the cultural and architectural heritage of the Statenkwartier by awareness building, by consultation, and by all other appropriate available means. When the architectural heritage is in danger we take action or support local residents in protesting against ill-willing real estate owners or failing responsible authorities. BAS is run by volunteers living in the Statenkwartier.
You can find here the latest news, ongoing and past activities and tools to start objection procedures – just in case. There is also information available about the cultural history and the architecture of the neighborhood and about the BAS Foundation.

© Atelier Alex. van Dijck, Collectie Haags Gemeentearchief