Strong support for our objection against granting an environmental permit for Frederik Hendrikplein 34!

Supported by over 60 residents BAS has filed the notice of objection.

The flyer campaign generated a lot of publicity and support. At least 25 residents have either objected to the municipality or have authorized BAS to do so on their behalf. BAS also lodged its notice of objection with the municipality on behalf of these 25 proxy holders. In addition, BAS also received about 40 statements of support in another form, which BAS attached to the BAS notice of objection.

In the notice of objection BAS architect Maarten Ruijters discusses the damage to architectural values ​​in detail. Attached to it is a second expert report by monuments architect Evert Jan Nusselder, illustrating in word and images how the protected historic city scape is affected. The Friends of The Hague Association (1700 members) also submitted a well-founded objection. Those three documents all underscore the incorrect assumptions and internal contradictions in the earlier advice of the municipal Monuments and Building Aesthetics Committee.

The view of the roof structure to be built as in the environmental permit (© ir. E.J. Nusselder)

What’s the  importance of designating a protected city scape conservation area when the private interest of a real estate owner outweighs the heritage values? When this environmental permit is not withdrawn, all remaining turrets and pinnacles in the Statenkwartier will be in danger and the protected cityscapes throughout The Hague should fear the worst. This precedent should be avoided!

An environmental permit was also granted on April 22 for Frederik Hendrikplein 30 – part of the same iconic architectural ensemble as number 34. Here too, the applicant wishes to build an inappropriate additional roof storey. BAS will also file an objection against this environmental permit.

Are these turrets and pinnacles also in danger? (© Maarten Ruijters)

Protest to the demolition of the pinnacle for an additional storey at Frederik Hendrikplein 34!

To everyone’s surprise and horror, the city council granted an environmental permit for the demolition of the authentic pinnacle and the construction of an additional rooftop storey at Frederik Hendrikplein 34.

Frederik Hendrikplein 29-36, the unspoiled ensemble.

The Frederik Hendrikplein is the shining centerpiece of the State Protected City Site Statenkwartier (Rijks Beschermd Stadsgezicht). The damage to this striking corner building will diminish the architectural value and outlook of the square. The building block Frederik Hendrikplein 29-36 must keep its authentic and unspoiled architectural ensemble character. We are afraid that this building permit grant is creating a precedent for future applications by owners striving to enrich themselves in a quick way by building more additional rooftop storeys and thus demolishing other authentic architectural features.

BAS will file an objection with the municipality against this granted environmental permit on the grounds of a violation of State Protected City Scape and of the damage to the cultural and historical value of the building block and the square. The residents and neighbors of the square received a flyer from BAS in which we call for all interested parties to make an objection. The more objections, the more difficult it becomes for city council. BAS has already received several dozen responses from concerned residents objecting to these nefarious plans and we will assist in filing these objections. They will hear from us soon.

Click here for the flyer.