Another violation of the Protected City Site of Frederik Hendrikplein
Earlier this month we took action against the municipal building permit (environmental permit = ‘omgevingsvergunning’) granted for the building of a inappropriate additional storey and the demolition of the landmark pinnacle at the corner of Frederik Hendrikplein 34. Today a new danger threatens the iconic ensemble character of the building block Frederik Hendrikplein 29 – 36. An environmental permit has been granted for a substantial roof structure that is clearly visible and compromises the authentic ensemble value. In addition, this permit is a precedent to facilitate more misplaced additional roof storeys in the neighborhood.

© Uitgave Weenenk en Snel, Collectie Haags Gemeente Archief
The original ensemble character of the building block is threatened
The proposed top facade of the additional storey is a mix of pseudo-original details. The permit also allows the rear facade to be aligned and fitted with aluminum fronts. The original rhythm of the extensions at the rear, clearly visible from the Van Slingelandtstraat, disappears.

Call for an objection against the environmental permit for Frederik Hendrikplein 30
BAS calls on the residents and neighbors of the Frederik Hendrikplein to object to this environmental permit. The deadline is Thursday 28 May (2020).
For general information about submitting an objection click here.
For the procedure to file a notice of objection yourself or to authorize BAS to do so click here.
Please state reference 201922350 and Date of decision 17 April 2020.

Filing an objection on May 27th
BAS submitted its notice of objection to the granting of the environmental permit and a counter-advice to the municipality on May 27th. Approximately 25 residents of the Frederik Hendrikplein and adjacent streets have authorized BAS to submit an objection on their behalf or did it themselves. The municipal Complaints Committee has decided to extend the regular period for the hearing of the interested parties and announced that they will organize this hearing in mid-July (2020).

© Collectie Haags Gemeente Archief